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Thursday, May 15, 2008


You think you know us? Think again!
Here are some facts you might want to know about us:

Let me start with the group introduction...
-tNs- is obviously an all male (boyband?) group
of different backgrounds, interests and personalities...
what binds us together is
our pea-sized brains! hehe... we just love being together...
laughing, playing around,
and kicking each other's butts! hehe...
we dont have plans...
we live as if we're gunna die tomorrow,
but we live as if we'll live forever!

How did we come up with the name "tNs" ?
a looong story... but i'm still gonna tell it to you anyways!
it all started with us calling each other "TAE" ...
then out of no where, we ran to the task of
finding a name for the group... then a friend
named Jericho (our master JerJer... esti... master Jericho)
suggested "taenians"... (makes sense, eh!?) then
it eventually became "teenians" (since we are all teenagers)
then, JiDo, out of boredom, made a logo for the group -
[tNs] - ... soon after, we came up with "The Nifty Schmoes" !
what does that mean? go get a dictionary, einstein! hehe...

f.y.i. we were once called "The Global People" ...
it started way back when we use E.Global I-net Cafe
as our "tambayan"... we often call
monster radio bt105.9 for greetings & requests
using the cafe's phone...
so the radio jocks would refer to us as
"The Global People" !!!

So how are these pea brains related? here is the fast scoop...
Jethro is a frat brother of Jinggo, a counter-strike
teammate of Cesa, neighbor of Pwee, Angging's bestfriend,
couzin of Onin, high school batchmate of Mike & Brian,
Brian is childhood friend / neighbor of our
GT (grand tae! hehe...) JiDo!

Weeeee! did i bore you? hehe...
if you want to know anything else, contact us

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